Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Monday, August 20, 2007
Monday, August 06, 2007
Video a go-go
just testing out some vdeo. Thinking of doing more videoblogging. This is from a few months ago.
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Out and About with 34G's

Our country has turned into a Christian version of Saudi Arabia. Instead of burkas, girls wear those annoying, oversized dress-like blouses. You cannot tell if a woman is hot or not anymore without actually getting them naked. Just a couple of years ago we saw every girl in America wearing belly shirts and ultra low-rise jeans that almost showed off their "special place." It's time to bring sexy back. I'm showing off where ever I go, funerals, nurseries, whatever. Who's with me and wants to see the return of hot bodies on display?
Friday, March 30, 2007
What, exactly, is "Big"?

So, I am asked this question all the time-What is considered a big dick? The answer-"depends." No, I am not copping out of answering. it depends on 5 things:
1)The woman. Every woman is different. I know women with whom a 4 inch partner is way too much and I know women who don't even wince at a footlong.
2)The woman's mood/menstral cycle/arousal level. Those same women that I mentioned in #1 are capable of switching roles in an instance depending on WHEN you ask them. It's a crap shoot but a size queen could like something smaller if you catch at at the right time.
3)Length versus girth. It's the pencil-dicked guy who is 10 inches long that feels he has bragging rights in our society while the Coke can-thick man with the 4 incher may feel inferior. Well that's WRONG. Ask any woman-girth beats length any day and it's time you learn this. I have had thin-dicked guys who are 14 inches long and they didn't get me off nearly as much as those packing a 5-inch thick and a 5-inch long.
4)Foreplay. Make a girl cum before you even put it in and size no longer matters.
5)You. If you act like a dick then most women don't care about your dick. There will always be a man whose BIGGER, you cannot control that. But you can control if YOU are BETTER. Most women see the personality more than the person. Work on being an attentive lover, a giving person and a man of passion and the women will line up for you.