Monday, June 05, 2006

What Liberal Media?

90% of soldiers believe Saddam caused 9/11? Bush's gay lifestyle and affair with Condi? No more Geneva Convention? If you still think the media is liberal then I'll have what you're smoking. The premise of a liberal media has always been flawed for one reason: Media are corporately owned. Employees of a company don't run amuck. But here are some headlines that are not making the rounds from the corporate-owned "news" outlets:

*Developing-Prez Marriage on Rocks, Condi Affair
*Bush's Secret Gay Lifestyle
*Bar Association Unanimously Agrees to Investigate Bush
*Pentagon to Drop Geneva Convention
*Administration Barely Enforcing Medical Privacy Laws
*90% of Military Believe Saddam Caused 9/11
*Rolling Stone mag: Was the 2004 Election Stolen?


stella s said...

*Bush investigation-why bother??? we all know he's guilty as hell of crimes against this country. Where's my rope??? LOL.

*90% of Military believe Saddam Caused 9/11- Ouch!!! That's the Military for you and thier faith in the commander in chief. I served for 21 yrs and had that faith once too!! However, my contention and will always be, is that the US Gov. was directly responsible for 9/11; we're fighting the wrong people folks. It was the "staged" Pearl Harbor of our time and what I still believe to be a "false flag" operation for the sole intent to excuse ourselves to have a presence for the purpose of invasion and occupation of Iraq and thus having a base of operations in the region to conduct other manuvers against neighboring countries to control oil...we've been doing that off & on since the Six day war of the 60's.

*Rolling stone mag: was the 2004 Election Stolen???- Hell Yes it was, pure and simple!!!

Unknown said...

you libs are hilarious!!! keep typing it up!!! We're loving this.... :)